Friday, January 8, 2016

Ranking In Google in Just Hours....Yes You Can Do This!!

You're probably wondering if this can really be done and if so it has to be some long tail keywords right? The answer is NO!! In my research on Ranking videos on the first page of Google I have found some techniques that work almost every time. It only takes 15 minutes to set up and you can start seeing results in just minutes.

Don't Believe Me? See These Results Below.....

As you can see in the image above I ranked for this keyword phrase in just 9 minutes!! Want some local proof? This is the easiest method to ranking for local businesses and show that you know what you are doing before even working with the company. This is my favorite strategy and here are some of my results.....

Want to know my exact strategy to getting rankings like this for your clients or business?

This is easy so do not over complicate this technique but do not under estimate the power either...


First step is making a video. Now there are plenty of ways to do this but my favorite is using YouTube's Creative Commons Videos. These are video's that you can legally use for your business and you can a video for just about any business. Here is how you get to your Creative Common Videos.....

1. Log into Your YouTube Account
2. Click on your picture and go into creator studio.
3. in the left sidebar choose video editor.
4. Now to find the creative common videos just click on the cc tab
5. Type in your niche and chose a video(shorter about 30 seconds is best)
6. Go to Live Streaming Tab in the left hand column
7. Create your event with keywords in the Title and Description
8. Set the Event to start 30 minutes ahead.
9. Choose Custom as the Type
10. Start the event.
11. Open Wirecast
12. insert you video.
13. Start broadcast and let loop 2-3 times so we can edit the video
14. Stop the event and wait for it to process.
15. Edit the video and click on Enhancements
16. Trim video to 30 seconds and Save

That is it Folks!! Try this out and then leave a comment below with your results. I hope this help everyone out who finds this post and helps you to rank in Google and YouTube Fast